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_POSTEDON 2002-05-18 14:15:58 by jimmyd

News jimmyd _writes "

Being the King of Compassion--as a colleague at another site once described me--I'm concerned with everyone's best interest. And in keeping with that attitude, I'm committed to being an informative web site even to the lonely, perverted, disgusting, maladjusted, scum-of-the-earth, readers I might have. I'll even go so far as to include beastiality practitioners who may read my site! Why? Because that's me. So if any of this sounds like you, read on...

Do you yearn and dream of having sex with dolphins? Do you crave that cold, wet, slimy, salty, gray hide snuggling against your warm, human skin? Are your thoughts filled with giving the old in/out to a cute, sexy, sea-going mammal? Or perhaps, would you love to jerk-off a male dolphin while standing in waist-deep water in some beautiful blue lagoon with the gentle waves washing against your groin? If all or some of this sounds like you, I have just the website for you to visit.

The friendly folks at dolphinsex.org know what you want, know what you need, and know everything you need to know to actually live your fantasy.

The truly important questions are answered at this site. Questions like, "How do I tell a male dolphin from a female one?" and "How do I know if a dolphin wants to have sex?" Wouldn't you agree that these questions are of paramount importance to anyone considering a sexual relationship with a dolphin?

Here's a few more interesting questions the site provides in-depth answers to: "What do I do if a dolphin wants to mate with me?" and "Where can I find a dolphin to mate with?"

Did you know that a fully-erect male dolphin reaches a length of twelve inches! Wisely, the site cautions against anal sex with dolphins, i.e., with your anus on the receiving end. Whew! Good thing that important fact is there: with dolphins on-the-make wielding 12", I sure wouldn't want to make that mistake!

This truly amazing site gives you detailed, specific, step-by-step instructions for masturbating male dolphins. Did you know that a young, virile, stud dolphin can shoot a major load over fourteen feet! And for those of you who crave full-penetration vaginal sex with a horny, willing female of the species, everything you need to know is right there, in easy-to-read, black & white text. Trust me, I was hard as a rock merely perusing this info-packed site.

Don't wait another minute! Visit dolphinsex.org right now! You'll be glad you did!


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