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_POSTEDON 2002-05-30 09:41:28 by jimmyd

Happy Headline jimmyd _writes "

It's Luke Ford's birthday! (Luke is pictured at left during happier times.) Yep, Luke Ford: Not the site, but the actual person. The guy who invented the LukeFord.com site. The guy, for that matter, who invented the porn gossip site. Gene Ross, AVN Insider, the current LF.com guys, myself, we all owe our current cyber-manifestations to Lukey. So I'd like everyone to join me in wishing this very special guy a very special 36th birthday.

Here's an email I shot off to Luke this morning. If you would like to email him, you can do so at .

Lukey! Happy Birthday buddy! 36 and never been kissed-- WOW! Looks like the more things change for you, the more they remain, well, they remain the same. Your problems are the same, right? Juggling Judaism, Journalism, and Jewesses (Luke's three Big J's). Look at it this way, you're still here, pal. Lesser men toting around all your emotional baggage would have opted to end it years ago. Your a survivor Luke. Before you know it, 36 will be 76 and you'll still be here. Hopefully not in the same hovel. And hopefully not still writing this boring little column about Hollywood, Jews, and your personal problems. And hopefully not still pining for unattainable Hebrew women. And really, really hopefully not still seeing a shrink. And hopefully still not suffering from one imaginary malady after another....and also hopefully still not being rejected by the vast majority of the holy men of your faith. But you Luke, the essence of you, the Luke that is LUKE, will still be here and you'll be a better man for it. And so on this day that marks your 36th year on the planet, I say again, Happy Birthday Lukey!



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