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_POSTEDON 2002-06-04 09:55:40 by jimmyd

Happy Headline jimmyd _writes "

Mixed reaction from the world of porn today as Oui Magazine hits the stands with a shocking pictorial of the newly changed Tom 'The Icon' Byron.

Sources close to Byron tell us that Tommy had been considering re-inventing himself to prolong his already long tenure in the adult trades. The once shaggy-haired Byron had gone through an image transition once before when he adopted a more clean-cut, boyish, all-American look. But this time Tommy wanted to effect real change.

According to sources, Byron traveled to Stockholm, Sweden's, Smorgasex Hospital--the very same medical center where Scandinavian-born, veteran porn director Nic Cramer once received his female-to-male sex change operation--and underwent sex change surgery. Sources also indicate the surgery included a complete sex change, and that Byron's famous and revered penis was donated to the Smithsonian where it will be on public display when the Institute unveils its new 'American Jizz Biz' exhibit later this summer.

Byron will continue his association with Extreme Associates, but will transition to a contract girl. Sources believe Byron's name will remain essentially the same, but the spelling of his first name might change to Tommie, with an 'ie' to give it a more feminine touch.

Byron's first video, "Now It's My Ass On the Line!" is expected to hit video stores by early fall.


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