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Survey: Poll
In the future, the most successful XXX companies will...

Produce softer products w/more production value.
Produce harder products w/more shock value.
Produce an equal amount of the above.

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_POSTEDON 2002-06-20 09:19:10 by jimmyd

Happy Headline jimmyd _writes "

I'm not sure how significant this is in the evolution of this site, but it certainly warrants a bit of fanfare.

Adultmonkey.com has seen fit to publish a review of this site, and it's not a bad review at that! The site scored an impressive number of bananas (they use bananas like AVN uses stars and A's), which kinda surprised me as I'm usually a three-and-a-half star kinda guy with AVN, so I thought I'd probably end up a three-and-a-half banana man as well.

Adultmonkey seems like a pretty cool site. Besides their detailed reviews of scores upon scores of adult web sites, they list thousands more of such sites, and give you an idea of what kind of content you'll find inside each one. If you've ever gone surfing adult web sites--which I know all of you have-- you'll know many of them are for shite! (A Scottish term for shit). Well, now you can let Adultmonkey.com help you steer clear of the, uhm, shite.

If you're interested in reading what the fine folks at adultmonkey have to say about simplyjimmyd.com, HERE IT IS

If you're thinking to yourself, "Who gives a shite what anyone thinks about this moron's site!" and just want to visit adultmonkey for other, nefarious purposes, here's their HOME PAGE, or just type www.adultmonkey.com your own freakin' self.


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