_POSTEDON 2002-07-10 16:39:48 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "I received an email from David Aaron Clark today. He felt he needed to comment on the "Dave Hardman Goes Berserk" story.
David Aaron Clark alleges, "There are obviously huge gaps in this story. Mark D'ull, the owner of Best Parts Video, is a shameless bottom-feeding rip-off artist who doubtless was not paying Cathy her money. He's John T. Bone's former salesman, and he has ripped me off on two titles -- one of which he simply didn't pay me for, the other of which I never sold him -- my original "Asianatrix," which was released through Bowen's Cream (but never paid for -- he bounced the checks and made off with the master)."
As if that weren't enough, David continues to describe his dealings with D'ull.
"D'ull, since then, has counterfeited the release; he was selling it behind my back during the short time I was associated with Best Parts, doing Some graphics and a bondage tape for them. Would that Dave had really caused some damage, because D'ull is the quintessential piece of thieving porn shit who preys on the industry. Cathy West, on the other hand, has always been straight up -- and so, despite his personal travails, has Dave."
When I wrote yesterday's story, I believe I mentioned there might be more to it then what I was told. Readers should note there is no evidence that D'ull somehow mitigated Hardman's behavior. David Aaron Clark's alleged dealings with D'ull have--to my knowledge--nothing to do with David Hardman's alleged dealings with D'ull. David Aaron Clark's point-of-view in this matter, however, is newsworthy, and therefore we decided to publish it for our reader's interest.
The staff of this website would look forward to Mr. D'ull's rebuttal in these matters
SJD Editorial Note: Although Mr. Clark refrained from calling Mr. D'ull an asshole, it is plainly evident that had he done so, he most likely would NOT have labeled Mr. D'ull a "run-of-the-mill asshole." Mr. Clark most likely would have referred to Mr. D'ull as a "quintessential piece of thieving porn shit asshole," or possibly a "shameless bottom-feeding rip-off artist asshole."
It is the opinion of this website that the two, specific types of assholes that Mr. Clark most likely would have described Mr. D'ull as being would be preferable than the non-specific "run-of-the-mill asshole" the Chief Reporter of this news site has recently been labeled.
If you'd like more information on assholes, please read the editorial that immediately precedes this story.
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