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The jiz biz is in the toilet.

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_POSTEDON 2002-08-01 15:30:45 by jimmyd

The Jiz Biz jimmyd _writes "


Sometimes it just knocks me over to find out who sometimes reads this site.

I got an email from Calli Cox today. She's Shane's publicity person. This is the first time the Shane's World people have ever acknowledged your's truly either as a place to post a press release or as a place... period.

You might be wondering why I'm making some kind of something outa this. The plain truth is that Shane has always put a lump in my pants-- a serious lump!

I only met Shane once, very briefly, at The Rio in Vegas. It was that whacky marriage ceremony between Jordan Lee and Caressa Savage. The whole thing was pretty much bullshit, but it was something to do, and a lot of people were there, and it was kinda fun. I never figured out which one was the bride. Jordan and Caressa were two of the wildest girls ever to set foot in this business, and I think a lot of people would testify to that.

Like I said, I met Shane at this event for about a nano-second. But she was etched indelibly in my libido. For a while after that, I even considered re-naming my right hand from 'Right Hand' to 'Shane.'

Anyway, I'm sure this kind of pervishness is not what they--Shane's people--hoped for in sending me their press release. And even though I don't, as a rule, run press releases, I'm gonna make an exception this time in honor of the great times Shane and I have had together (that is, my right hand, Shane-- not Shane, Shane.)

Ok. Here goes:

Shane’s World Ventures Into New Genre Of Adult Films!

Tarzana, Calif--Shane’s World released the latest installment of their popular series this Tuesday, July 30th entitled, Shane’s World #31: 'The Life and Times of Drunky the Bear.'

'The Life and Times of Drunky the Bear' is set up in an MTV-type “Jackass” style. “We found a group of friends and caught them doing their crazy stunts on tape. Then we took it to the next level and added sex that everyone can relate to, appreciate, and enjoy,” stated Calli Cox, publicist for Shane’s World. “Not only do these friends shock viewers with their spontaneous ideas, but they are also the ones involved in the sex.

"Why? Because they want to! They are what Johnny Knoxville would be if cable allowed it.” Cox added.

Although #31 follows the path set by previous numbers in the series, the latest edition also adds something new. “Shane’s World is continuing to market their product to the younger college crowd. However, now instead of just mixing porn stars, sex, and fun, we’ve added the elements of comedy, reality, and even a little shock value,” said Cox. “We feel that Drunky the Bear will be the beginning of a new genre of adult entertainment,” Cox added. “Our goal is to produce material that is different, but just as good as what is out there. We’ve done that with Drunky the Bear.”

Well, that's it. Thanks Calli! A big simplyjimmyd wish for great success to you, and Shane, and Drunky!

I can't help wondering, though, if Drunky's had his way with Shane.


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