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The jiz biz is in the toilet.

I agree. Sales are way off. It's in the toilet.
I disagree. The big guys are still making big $$$
I'm not sure. I don't know what to believe.
I don't really give a fuck!

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_POSTEDON 2002-08-08 19:43:00 by jimmyd

Email jimmyd _writes "My friend Q, aka, Mike Quasar, sent me the following email today. I'm honored he's asked me to publish it.

A very good friend of mine passed away a few days ago and I feel the need to say a few words and your site is the least offensive to me so I hope you'll print this.

His name was Milfred "The Colonel" Thompson.

Some folks in the industry might remember him from the production assistance duo of Dewey and Milfred who toiled away on many an adult set over the last decade. Milfred was most recently employed as the Custodian of Records at Metro and also worked in several other capacities in post-production for the company.

Every day I would come into the office and Milf would greet me with a Southern accent so thick it was almost a parody of a Southern accent. He was truly a character and he had a heart of gold.

I cast him as the jury foreman in my movie "America the Beautiful" a few months back and Milf truly shined. Simple things made him happy. He thanked me endlessly for the experience. A non-sex role in an insipid porn movie and he treated it like he was trying to win an Oscar - I wish I could find such joy in my work.
Milf suffered from health problems for a long time. He had a bad accident a few years back and was always in some degree of pain. I take some solace knowing that his pain is gone now. My one regret is that I took his kindness for granted for all the years I've known him.

Cheers Milf. Last I night I had a drink in the honor of the Colonel. You were one of a kind and we're all going to miss you.

Your Friend,


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