_POSTEDON 2002-08-19 18:10:02 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
I received this email from a guy calling himself Magic Man who may or may not be the purveyor of the energy drink pictured here. He did, however, make me feel a bit energized and maybe even a little magical, which just goes to prove that a guy can make another guy feel a little magical without it necessarily being gay!
To: JimmyD
subj: Quasarman- response to
Quasarman seems like a real nice guy, perhaps a bit too humble for his own good, but that's understandable and acceptable because he represents what the porn industry has very little of: bright creative people, trapped by economics and serving a career sentence in hell because they thought their talent could make a difference but found out the hard way that the industry isn't about talent, it's about greed.
I'll take this moment to enlighten Quasarman about a few things I think he should know, maybe it will give him a sense of what he's worth as a creative and maybe even give him a little hope.
I like the porn industry, it's more entertaining than the twenty years I've spent as a creative in mainstream. I'm not referring to the product of the porn industry I'm talking about the people in it.
I read simplyjimmyd and lukeford every single day and once a week or so I check out AVNinsider to see if Clark or Pachard have written anything new.
It's a real entertaining experience that one can't get from the mainstream media, I go to lukeford because they attack the bad in the industry like vicious junkyard dogs that will rip the legs off any low life that thinks they can jump the fence and kick the dog.
I read Jimmyd because it's the only place where your able to learn the logistics of the porn industry in a way that's clear and understanding and from perhaps the greatest creative in the entire porn industry.
I read David Aaron Clark so I can feel the pain of what a creative and good soul has to bare and the price they pay for walking straight into an ambush of scum bags that lie, cheat and steal.
I read Henry Pachard because he is on his final journey in life and he has nothing to lose by speaking from his past experience and comparing it to all that's gone wrong in an industry where he has spent his whole adult life.
So to be perfectly honest with you, I've never been as entertained in the twenty years I've created for broadcast and film as I have following the hand full of creative human beings in this industry who refuse to sell out what all the liars, thieves and scum bags have never had, their dignity and self respect.
I think that just like the ending of any good mainstream movie, that someday down the road you will all be well rewarded for your humanity and courage.
And Quasarman your wrong about one thing, you could make a movie like RUSH and so could Jimmyd, Clark, and Pachard.
There's something you’re not seeing that make's you think you can't. This is why you can. If a director in mainstream creates a movie like RUSH, people just roll their eye's and shake their heads and look at each other and laugh.
The draw or highlight in a movie like RUSH is the action, you know like bullets, blood and guts painted on top of a canvas of chases and crashes to ashes.
Nic Andrews didn't create the movie, he stood there with his ego up his ass while professional stuntmen made his movie. And that's all there is to it and it's a piece of cake for these guys to do because they've down it a million time's.
These stuntmen even tell the director the best way to shoot and how to shoot because they've done so a million times.
If the company that produced RUSH was on the ball they would of done their homework better and they would of learned that RUSH can be made for half of what they spent and even less, and the market for this type of B movie has been over saturated for years and there is very little profit in making one. Cable won't pay much because they don't have to and your only hope for making a dollar profit is international and good luck because the distributors for this genre make your distributors look like the Mother Mary.
I have a lot respect for the minority in the porn industry, the real creative, and my heart goes out to you.
I have seen a few videos that bare your names and from my experience I can see that you have great talent, and I can tell you for a fact that anyone that has my experience can tell why the creative never comes full circle and that's because it always falls victim to a lack of budget.
And BTW, your chops rank in the top 10% of the best creative in the mainstream industry, there are very few creative in the mainstream capable of doing more than one thing at a time, you guys conceive it, write it, direct it, film it and edit it.
In mainstream, we call that "The Power To Create," and that is the future of entertainment.