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What Are Mike Quasar's Chances of Winning Best Director?

Your killing me! I'm laughing too hard to answer!
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No Chance. Only James Avalon wins them for Metro
Q's a foreigner! That's a different category.
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Mike Quasar will win.

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_POSTEDON 2002-09-18 14:42:29 by jimmyd

Them's Fightin' Words! jimmyd _writes "

I thought I'd add my two cents in about the fight that almost happened between Tera, Devon, Jewel, and Jackie.

No lo contesto!

That's Latin I think--maybe Spanish, what do I know? It means something like "no contest," which means had this 'encounter' actually broken into a scuffle it wouldn't have lasted long enough to barely count as an actual fight, although I'm sure there would have been injuries.

I guess you're wondering who my money would have been on? No brainer--Jewel and Jackie without a doubt.

Just so ya know, I've never met Devon, and I've only met Tera once, briefly, at a Hollywood Hustler Store event. Herchel Savage was being oh-so-charming with her, which means he was acting like a stray mutt around a bitch in heat. He did quit sniffing at her crotch long enough to introduce me. So truthfuly, I can't say I know either of these girls. But I do consider myself a pretty good judge of people, and I have extensive experience measuring up porn stars, and frankly, while the two of them are strikingly beautiful women, I don't see either of them being too physically tough--although Tera might have a bit of the 'street' in her...maybe.

Jewel and Jackie, on the other hand, I do know. And let me tell you this: those two would have tore up those DP girls. Yep, there would have been some blood on the Digital Playground if that little altercation had gone any further.

Jewel is maybe one of the most sexually ferocious animals in this business. And I sure as shit don't believe her ferociousness is all centered around her crotch. My guess is that Jewel's the kind of formidable alley cat that most other girls might not want to reckon with. I'm not saying Jewel's not a sweetie, I'm just saying she has the capacity to be something else, and I sure as shit wouldn't want to have to deal with it, and I'm pretty sure Tera and Devon wouldn't want to go there either.

Jackie, who I have known for quite awhile, is also a major sweetie, but you can bank on the fact that she can transform-mutate into Spitfire-Hellcat Woman if she needs to. She's packed tight into that smallish frame and I'd bet she could do more damage than a Tasmanian Devil at a Warner Bros. Toon convention.

By the way, if any of these girls are reading this, let's get together and talk about promoting this as a real fight! We'll get Adella to do the PR. We'll hold the event in Vegas during the convention. I'm sure Playboy or TEN would pay big for the pay-pre-view rights. I'm also sure we can find a Vegas venue big enough to hold a few thousand rabid porn fans. C'mon! This would be such a hoot. Maybe we'll get lucky and all four girls are on their monthlies at the same time! Nic Andrews could make a movie out of it. I suggest Something along the lines of "Raging Bull." How about "Raging Hormones?"



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