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Q's a foreigner! That's a different category.
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_POSTEDON 2002-10-30 15:12:58 by jimmyd

News jimmyd _writes "

The world watches and waits, wondering about the fate of Luke Ford and pornrumors.com.

I've received some emails from around the globe inquiring about the status of Luke Ford's site, pornrumors.com. For some odd reason, people seem to think I might be 'in the know,' which is understandable being I'm, you know...me... jimmyD. But alas, your humble servant knows naught. I will, however, go out on a simplyjimmyd limb and speculate.

It's well known (at least to me, possibly to all of you as well) that Luke Ford's relationship with the owners of pornrumors.com was and is a bit shakey. Luke's hard-hitting brand of mud-dredging journalism has pissed off many a pornographer. Please note that the term 'pornographer' extends to internet pornographers as well, of which Luke's boss Scott, the infamous Aussie adult webmaster, is one of. Luke's postings on pornrumors.com have recently seemed almost singularly focused on internet pornographers, i.e., adult webmasters. Maybe this wasn't such a good thing-- for Lukey that is.

In a recent interview posted on pornrumors.com, Luke interviewed 'pornrumors' owner-- again, we're talking about the notorious Aussie web trafficteer, Scott. (Hmm... I think I invented a new word here, web "trafficteer." Yeah, I like that. Kinda says it all with just a hint of criminal intent thrown in. You know, like 'racketeer' ... 'trafficteer' cool, huh?) Anyway, in the interview, a bit of Scott's and Luke's relationship is revealed:

Scoop: "What do you most object to in what I wrote about you?"

Scott: "You categorizing me as a career criminal with links to the Mafia tops the list. I plan to stomp on your face when I meet you."

Hmmm. That kinda says it all if you ask me. I don't know about any of you, but I've certainly had employers in the past who didn't much like me, but I can't think of any one of them actually threatening to stomp on my face.

Later in the interview, Scott had this to say to Luke:

Scott: "Hurting you is a fond dream for me. It's something I'm looking forward to. I'm not chasing you. I'm not looking for you. I just know that one day you'll pop your head up at one of the webmaster meetings. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to it.

What do you people think? No love lost between these two? I'd say that's a safe bet. And is it too outlandish for me to speculate that perhaps some new beef has arisen between these two, Aussie, giants of the internet?

Well, I suppose we'll all find out what happened soon enough. I tried to call Lukey a number of times with no success. Perhaps all of this is nothing more than a glitch and pornrumors.com will be back up and running with Capt. Ford at the wheel in no time at all.

Then again, maybe not.

I've heard that the very scary Scott was paying Luke fairly well for the small amount of time Lukey spends posting to pornrumors.com.

Hey Scott! How ya doin' mate? If ya read this maybe we can do a bit of business? Have your people drop an email to my people, willya mate? You can pay me to write pornrumors.com, and I promise to never ever refer to you as a career criminal, or for that matter, any kind of criminal at all! Toss another shrimp on the barbee for me, Scotty. Cheers.


It seems our little Lukey is writing for yet another web site, www.setgo.com.

I've never heard of this site before, but upon examination it seems that the 'insider gossip column' there is penned by none other than D.U.C. (Deep Under Cover), aka Mr. Luke Ford. Interesting footnote: All the column's archived stories are copies of Luke's stories he posted during his last weeks at pornrumors.com.

I might post more on this basically unimportant story as it unfolds.

This is jimmyD signing off for now.


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