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What Are Mike Quasar's Chances of Winning Best Director?

Your killing me! I'm laughing too hard to answer!
Mike who?
No Chance. Only James Avalon wins them for Metro
Q's a foreigner! That's a different category.
No way! His porn name's not cool enough to win.
Mike who?
Mike Quasar will win.

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_POSTEDON 2002-12-11 10:35:12 by jimmyd

Sin City Story jimmyd _writes "

Am I missing something here? I read Skeeter Kerkove's "Open Letter to the Adult Media," (you can read it on AVN.com or LukeFord.com as I'm apparently not a member of the 'Adult Media' and didn't receive one) and while parts of it made me laugh so hard I almost pissed my pants, I gotta wonder about the wisdom of saying some of the shit Skeeter said.

First off, if his video fails to outsell Evil Angel, Anabolic, or Red Light--which it will for many reasons, the least of which has anything to do with what Skeeter actually turns in--he gives up his wife to a one-year, exclusive contract with a major company (Sin City). I put my thinking cap on and tried to remember if Bridgette has ever been a contract girl with anyone--I sure can't remember her ever being in that position. So I'm thinking, when Skeeter's boast turns out to be nothing more than just that--a boast--how does he lose? I'm not saying Bridgette doesn't deserve 'contract girl' status. She no doubt does. She's a genuine super-star amongst an army of lesser talent in a business where only the strong survive. But I'm still trying to figure out how Skeeter ends up having anything 'on-the-line' to lose here.

Another thing I question is when Skeeter says, "I took a look at their stuff and what I saw was a bunch of shit shot for "nice" people. Pretty shit! Now, that's all real nice but the last I looked - the fucking jerk-offs who by this shit want to Jerk Off and fantasize about Fucking a girl (that they have no shot with) in the ass."

I'm wondering where Skeeter's been looking the last time he looked? Apparently always in the same place. Sure, the successful 'ugly shit' shot by the companies Skeeter's boast competes with does very well, but a lot of that "pretty shit" sells pretty fucking good too! This is like saying, "I'm in the business of making red tee-shirts. No one wants black, or white, or grey tee-shirts. The fucking jerk-offs who wear tee-shirts only want red and that's what I'm making and I make it better than anyone else." There's a lapse of logic here.

Starting a new relationship with a company by bagging on it's super-hero, super-star, uber-director, it's long-time, award-winning, best-friend-to-the-owner, art director, and one of it's long-term, meat-and-potatos directors might not prove to be the wisest thing to do.

"...do we need another film by a frustrated film school drop-out? 'Hey I have an idea before the guy comes on her face, let's have some hidden symbolism." This compliment refers to Michael Raven.

"...even the box covers look like they've been airbrushed to death by a band of Mexican taggers?" Sin city's Art Director, Mark Snyder, is the target of this comment.

"...do we need another Gonzo shot by an "old" long-haired "over the hill" Director who was making porn when your Grandfather was jerking off?" Long-time director, Bud Lee, is on the receiving end of this one.

I know all this will be tossed off to 'publicity bullshit.' But sometimes people in the jiz biz are a little thin-skinned, and a thorn breaks thin skin much easier than rhino-skin. And what happens when you get pricked by a thorn? You want to yank it out and toss it away.

Maybe Skeeter knows something about winning friends and influencing people that I don't know. But I'm not sure it will turn out to be the most effective PR style to start a relationship by announcing that everything else anyone's doing is meaningless, ineffectual, and outdated. But Maybe Skeeter knows something I don't know. Maybe that's the way to do things these days. Didn't Knute Rockne say something about the best defense being a good offense? I mean, come on, look how great it's always worked for Kid Vegas!

Anyway, that's just the opinion of one "fat little douchebag with a website."


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