_POSTEDON 2003-01-05 14:38:15 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
Not according to the very scientific poll conducted right here by our expert staff of pollsters.
According to our poll, a third of the respondents claimed to be laughing nearly too hard to respond when asked if Mike will win. Although humor was never intended in this poll, it seems the mere mention of Q's name brings a laugh and perhaps a guffaw to many when considering Mike for something as important and prestigious as the AVN Best Director award.
Also according to our poll, it's apparent from more than a third of the respondents are unfamiliar with Metro's prolific, three-and-half star director, Mike Quasar, and that his monicker is not exactly a porn-household name. It would seem that both past and present Metro publicists have been unsuccessful in selling Mike as a 'high-profile' director to the viewing public.
About a fifth of those who answered the poll believe Mike will win. It should be noted, however, that in an email to this website--in the early days of the poll--Director Quasar admitted to voting for himself 17 times. Assuming Mike quit his busy poll-fixing endeavors at that point, it only leaves a mere 4 individuals who believe Mike will win. According to our team of pollsters, an estimated error rate of plus or minus 4% is probable. This means it is scientifically possible that virtually no one believes Mike can or will win.
The balance of the respondents, about 7%, either thought James Avalon is the only Metro director capable of winning such a prestigious award, or that Mike should be disqualified for his foreign, Candian roots. A small precentage also believe he simply does not have a cool enough porn-name, like say a Michael Raven or a James DiGiorgio, to be so honored by the porn community. This award, however, has been won in the past by Nic Andrews, who's name is only semi-cool in that he dropped the "k" from the more common spelling of his name--Nick.
With only days till the awards, only time will tell if Mike Quasar will win, or if he will remain in his seat at the Metro table when the winner is announced, voicing his outrage and making lame excuses to his superiors for his failure.