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_POSTEDON 2003-01-13 16:47:23 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "There's a lot of debate going on over who's taking more to the bank: Traditional porn or internet porn. If you read what Wanker Wang thinks on lukedford.com, it's no contest-- the cyber-porngeeks win hands down. Wanker says you can't find a traditional pornographer with the kind of 'liquidity' that more than a few web pornographers have.
Personally, I'm not sure if that's true. Some of these old timers have been wallowing in a lot of dough for decades. Perhaps recently there's been a bit of a shift where some of the web guys have more cash flow than some of the major West Valley -players, but even if that's it's a fairly recent phenomenon.
But enough of my opinion, what do you think? Check off your answer on the survey poll to the left.
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