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_POSTEDON 2003-01-21 09:41:36 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
I have seen the enemy. His name is Anti-Porn Guy, and he's a 19-year-old, pimply-faced, nerd from Palm Beach, Florida. But don't laugh, this is JUST the kind of kid who studies hard, applies himself, and goes on to a career in public office.
Here's a taste of Anti-Porn Guy's platform:
"I want to ban pornography with a 10-year prison term for viewing or participating in pornography, as well as oral and anal sex with a 1-5 year prison term for oral sex and a 1-10 year term for anal sex. I also want to ban the manufacture and sale of contraceptives (birth control) with a prison term of up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000 for violating this ban. None of these laws will be retroactive."
As you might expect, Anti-Porn Guy's ideology is not limited to his thoughts on criminalizing porn viewing, he's got other opinions as well.
"I am also 100% against homosexuality and I believe homosexuals (including lesbians and bisexuals) as well as people with fetishes, ought to be put in mental hospitals. This must be done NOW, before they degenerate society and our children's morals even further. I also believe ANY children in the custody of homosexuals ought to be taken away IMMEDIATELY, in order to prevent further emotional and sexual abuse. DO NOT let your children near one of these vile monsters! Read the Fag Facts page to get more insight into the sexual habits of homosexuals and others of their ilk."
Anti-Porn Guy even wants to tell us how to dress:
"I believe in a national dress code. The National Dress Code (NDC) will be as follows:
--All persons must wear clothing from their neck to three inches below their knees when in public or in the presence of children.
--Women MUST wear dresses. Trousers are NOT lady-like and therefore, women ought not to wear them.
--Jeans are to be banned.
--Any profanity or sexual references on clothing will be banned.
--Businesses must comply with the NDC. Failure to do so will require business owners to sell their operation to the highest bidder.
--Failure to obey the NDC will be subject to a fine NOT exceeding $10,000 and/or up to 30 days imprisonment."
If you'd like to learn more about Anti-Porn Guy and his views, you can visit his website HERE.
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