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_POSTEDON 2003-01-24 11:38:23 by jimmyd

Email jimmyd _writes "

I'm sure Jimmy D that you will have your own statement to make regarding ABC's Primetime Special of yesterday's eve but I wanted to quickly get a few things off my chest:

First thing: To Bill Margold - Shut your fucking mouth you overblown bag of noxious pretense!!!! You are not a hero or a savior and certainly not a spokesman for this industry. In your quest to matter to the world, you consistently whore yourself out as a soundbite machine for the mainstream media and have no doubt caused considerable damage to the business which gave you whatever credentials you believe you have. Do us all a favor, next time a camera emblazoned with a network logo is pointed at you, have a stroke or an aneurysm...a massive cardiac episode perhaps - anything to prevent your pretentious brand of melodrama from penetrating the airwaves and causing further damage. And now some classic Margold moments..."Recess is over in the playpen of the damned".... "Leave us alone and we'll destroy ourselves"...blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up!!!!!

Secondly: Jim South, you redneck imbecile!!!! You've been in the business since porn was etched on cave walls. Haven't you figured out that "those Yankees from TV" aren't there to publicize your mystical pornographic speakeasy on Van Nuys Blvd? Anytime I view a hatchet job regarding our industry, I always see your Cheshire Cowboy visage. Lock the fucking door you inbred fuck!!!! Now that I have that off my chest I'd just like to say that despite his growing irrelevance, I believe that South is an important part of our business and personally I have great fondness for him. I just wish he would stop allowing the press to sit side by side with the producers and directors who peruse his "books"; the books which still feature photos of Ron Jeremy when he had a two digit waistline.

Lastly: Bella Donna.... I don't know where to begin. All I can say is, anyone who gives this girl a job in the future should be brutally beaten with a bag of hammers. Her performance last night makes Alexandria Quinn's Hard Copy performance of a decade earlier look like an infomerical by comparison. I shot Bella twice and at no time did she indicate to me that her "smile" was a facade. At no time did she mention that her deeply religious mother was disappointed in her. It was indeed difficult to ascertain her troubled history while she was yelling "fuck me harder you fuck!!!!" May Bella Donna be relegated to the only thing she is truly qualified for; collecting public assistance.

To all of you out there, please heed the words of Tod Hunter- "These people are not your friends". We endanger our livelihoods for the simple reason that ABC wants to beat American Idol in the ratings.

Yes I'm drunk and this is the end of my rant.

jimmyD sez: Thanks Q. Actually, I'm not going to make a statement at this point--I didn't see the show. But if I had, I'm sure your rant would suffice for anything I would have to say.


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