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_POSTEDON 2003-02-19 19:35:24 by jimmyd

FYI jimmyd _writes "I probably should have wrote something like this before, but I didn't. So sue me.

But since I don't think it's ever too late to clarify a minor point that some people seem to be confused about, I'll do so now.

Simplyjimmyd.com is not a porn gossip site.

It's not really a news site either. It's whatever the fuck I want it to be, and what I want it to be changes often. Yeah, I like to write about shit that happens in this business.... especially stupid shit, or arrogant shit, or humorous shit. But that's because I work in this business. In fact, with the hours I generally put in, it's a more accurate statement to say I live in this business. So of course most of what I'm going to write about is going to be about the jizz bizz.

Gossip, if you don't know, is the habitual spreading of intimate or private rumors or facts--often of a sensationalistic nature. And although sometimes I post shit on this site that qualifies as such, as a rule, that's not what I'm generally putting up here.

Most of what I write is either an editorial, or a point-of-view piece, or a recounting of something I've experienced that others might find interesting or entertaining. And you might want to note what I generally write about may or may not have anything to do with the porn biz.

Why do I do this? A fair question. I take the time to write the crap I post up on this site to relieve some of the angst this industry creates in me. It's stress relief. It clears my head. It lets me let go of shit. It allows me to poke fun at the truly absurd crap that goes on here on a daily basis--crap that many people take so fucking seriously.

Do I take my job seriously? Absolutely yes. People pay me good money to do what I do (as a writer, director, editor, cameraman) and it wouldn't be fair for me to do anything less than what they expect. Do I think what I do is meaningful? Absolutely not. Do I think it has redeeming values? Absolutely not. Do I think the world will be a far worse place if one less anal scene is recorded to video tape? Nope. Do I think the world is a worse place because so many anal scenes are recorded to video tape? Again, nope.

But what I'm NOT doing here on a regular basis is gossiping. It's more like I'm journaling. It's my fucking porn diary. It's my opinions.

Do people read this site? Yep. Quite a few in fact. Do I care if people read my daily diatribes? Yes again. I have an ego, and my ego loves it when people respond favorably to the shit I write. Do I do this for money? Nope. I make nothing from this site. Do I do it for notoriety? Probably. Do I want to hurt people? Fuck no. Do I enjoy making fun of jerks, assholes, cretins, dimwits, and legends-in-their-own-minds? You betcha!

The next time someone says, "Did you read the gossip on simplyjimmyd.com?" Please tell them they must be mistaken. There's rarely any gossip there. There's only a bunch of crap that spills out of the severely dysfunctional mind that belongs to some guy name of jimmyD.

So if you're looking for a site that guaranteed to give you a daily dose of porn gossip, or a site that will provide regular updates on the news of the jizz bizz, you've come to the wrong place. There's plenty of sites that do just that, but this ain't one of them.


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