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FuckingGossip by some FuckingGuy who calls himself Eddie Tour

_POSTEDON 2003-02-20 16:15:40 by jimmyd

jimmyD's Opinion jimmyd _writes "I had some high FuckingHopes for FuckingGossip.com, but they're turning into a FuckingDisappointment.

Eddie Tour: Nothing FuckingPersonal--in fact I don't have a FuckingClue who you are--and I'm not writing this to 'dis' you or your site, nor am I writing this as a FuckingGossip piece, but I do have some unsolicited FuckingAdvice for you.

First, what's with all the attacks on WW and lukeford.com? Hey, man, you want to build a cool site? Be original. Be bold. Be FuckingDifferent. Talk some shit about FuckingShit people want to FuckingHear about.

You ain't going anywhere by publishing a bunch of crap bashing one of your--make that your primary--competition. It's FuckingTransparent. It's FuckingBoring.

Next, what's with printing all the self-indulgent emails praising your FuckingAss? If you're good, you're good, and you don't need to print a bunch of emails from people telling you you're FuckingGood.

Anyway, that's about all I wanted to FuckingSay about this. Take it for what it's FuckingWorth. Probably FuckingNothing.

By the FuckingWay, if anyone knows who Eddie Tour is, i'd FuckingAppreciate hearing it. I have my own FuckingTheories, but I really don't FuckingKnow. It's only FuckingFair. Most everyone knows who I am, they know who Wanker Wang is, they know who Luke Ford is, they knew who Gene Ross was. So who the fuck is FuckingEddie Tour? Am I the last person in this FuckingBusiness to know the answer to this?


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