_POSTEDON 2003-03-15 14:44:01 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
I took a look at Digital Playground's teaser for Nic Andrew's new sex(?) flick, 'No Limits,' and to say this is a limited glimpse of a new sex(?) flick is an understatement. I'm not trying to be rude, but from what I saw, they could title this thing "No Sex."
Where's the fucking beef, guys? Or cheesecake? Or whatever the fuck you want to call the sex elements of this sex(?) flick? C'mon my fellow pornographers--assuming you consider yourselves pornographers--how about putting a little (sex) tease in the teaser? I'd have an easier time finding Tera Patrick than finding the porn in this thing. All I saw was some hard work devoted to making the graphical titles look like a mainstream flick and very little else.
First there's this quick-cut series of B&W stills of Devon getting in a car. Then there's Devon tied and gagged. Then there's the lighting of a small blowtorch. Then there's Devon looking scared as some guy approaches her with the torch. And then there's, uhmm... basically nothing else!
Hey, is there any sex in this sex(?) flick? I have no fucking clue. Uninformed (i.e., non-porn-afficionado) viewers of this teaser would probably say "no."
Here, go take a look at it and see what you think. If you have Quicktime installed, you can view it right HERE.
Did you see this thing? What'd I tell ya? It's like a cableTV-budgeted stalker flick you'd expect to see on the USA Network, right? Not even a freaking nipple? Hey Nic! The least you could've done was have Devon stripped while she was tied and gagged. That would have at least sent a couple of blood corpuscles travelling South, if ya know what I mean.
And what's with Jessica Drake on the poster? She's one of the most beautiful babes in this biz, but you'd never know it by that photo. Not to mention there's some trying-to-be-clever manipulation of light and shadow that definitely puts her in third place amongst the three girls there. I mean, you have Devon upfront and center, which I understand--she's the star of the sex(?) flick. And then she's flanked by Jessica and your new girl, Jessie. But I noticed there's some not-so-subtle fill-lighting highlighting your girl Jessie that's absent from Jessica. Hey, you think people don't notice shit like that?
Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait till there's a complete trailer, or for the actual movie itself, to see if there's any actual sex in this sex(?) flick.
Until then, maybe I'll keep my mouth shut.