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Not Very: It's a ego thing for a few XXX people.
Hardly: Reviews come out too late to matter.

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_POSTEDON 2002-04-17 15:52:36 by jimmyd

General Gossip jimmyd _writes "Risking it all by being put on Gene Ross's dreaded "Naivete List," the Quaze emailed me this AM and beseeched me to take up the raped/abused/fucked-over pornstar guantlet. Yes, I'm talking about "The Quaze," the most sorely missed porn-gossip-mongering, XXX e-tabloid publishing, funny guy on the internet. Here's what my colleague, the esteemed Quasarman, had to say:

In response to Dave "I've got 6 months left to live" Cummings comments regarding a "scumbag" site where girls can report on the behavior of unsavory industry personnel, Surely you, Jimmy D - James Digiorgio- Director of all 27 episodes of "The Sopornos," as well as the surprisingly ambitious project "Succubus," and the near-classic "NutJob Nurses," surely you could provide this service yourself. You have bigger balls than most in this industry (I mean "balls" as a euphemism. I have no idea as to the actual width or circumference of your testicles).

Could not simplyjimmyd.com be a place for such commentary? I myself have composed whole chapters regarding the business ethics of Regan Senter et al without incurring any litigation whatsoever. Simply preface the commentary with a cop-out sentence such as, "I have no idea whether ot not this is true but...." Most folks in our business can't even spell "lawyer" let alone call one to sue you for slander. It wasn't so long ago that I was threatened by Jenna Haze with a "depliction of character" lawsuit. I've yet to hear from anyone with a law degree regarding this matter.

You're the industry's last best hope Jimmy D. The other sites simply lack the honesty that someone like yourself brings to the table. Set up a section for people to post unsubstantiated innuendo but label it as such. That way you're protected legally and perhaps even spiritually. I no longer have the patience or mental stability for a website but you Jimmy D are older, wiser and possibly even more mature than I and in addition to all of that, we have the shared experience of having both failed at the craft of stand-up comedy. We (you) owe it to the universe to speak the alleged truth.

You can give the adult community something that it desperately needs -- a mirror. Don't let me down Jimmy D. Don't let the industry down. If a cameraman drugged and raped a porn actress ( difficult to believe however because most porn actresses come pre-drugged and rape seems redundant) we want to know about it. Expose the gritty underbelly of the adult industry. You'll be rewarded in the afterlife.

Your eternal fan and brother in 3 and a half "A" Avn reviews,


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