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_POSTEDON 2002-04-19 11:38:22 by jimmyd

General Gossip jimmyd _writes "

Friday's always a fun day to disturb some shit. So here's my 'shit disturbing' thoughts for today:

Is it easier to maintain your sense of misogyny when most of the women you love to hate and demean also happen to be skanks?

I've given this some thought lately. In fact, almost everytime I venture over to a certain extreme site, I'm overwhelmed, well actually underwhelmed, with the general calibre of girls that seem to march through the doors there on a daily basis. I know this because they all end up as cyber-filler, plastered onto the site with some trite interview and, I imagine, then getting choked, pissed on, shit on, and whatever else that whackiest of extreme porn crews can think up.

I know extreme people love to bash companies like Vivid and VCA. But as a regular director for VCA, I can guarantee that most of the girls I see on that site couldn't get past VCA's reception desk, much less get approved for casting.

I acknowledge these guys are the kings of nauseous acts commited under the guise of erotica. And to enjoy these acts the way they all seem to, that is to say, to thoroughly enjoy demeaning the women in their movies the way these guys seem to enjoy it certainly tells me there is a level of misogyny running rampant within extreme boundaries.

But as entertainment value, personally, I think it fucking sucks. But that's just me. What do I know?

But? I ask. How does one continually find willing, living, breathing, female spitoons and cum-buckets, toilet bowls and bidets, to commit these acts upon? Apparently, the answer lies in skanks.

'Give me your used-up, your fucked-up, your addicted, insecure, abused, skanks!' Could this be an extreme motto?

Judging from what I often see there, I think so."

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