_POSTEDON 2003-10-08 17:42:33 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
Wankus, I mean AdultFYI’s Wayne C. Lewis (a possible gay rights advocate), reports on a story that originated on Jason Sechrest’s (a gay rights practitioner) site, According to the story, Alura Eden was sent packing from a Jill Kelly Productions set because she didn’t want to work with a guy who has worked with guys in gay videos.
Wayne reports: PORN VALLEY, CA - After reading and reporting a news item on Jason's Newsdesk from the site, was recently contacted by adult starlet, Alaura Eden in response to an encounter in early September, where she allegedly was cut from a part on a Jill Kelly Productions [JKP] set because she didn't want to work with male talent that had been previously involved in "gay porn" shoots.
(JimmyD sez: Right off the bat, I don’t understand what the problem was.)
Wayne's story continues: site owner, Jason Sechrest told, "Talon [the male talent in question with many previous working names] did 2 or 3 movies and never actually had sex on camera. He just got his dick sucked…”
(JimmyD sez: Whoa! Wait a minute, Jason. What part of “He just got his dick sucked,” don’t you understand as being “sex on camera?” In fact, let’s make that “gay sex on camera.” This ain’t splitting hairs, bro. It is what it is. And with all those "many previous working names," how do you know exactly what this guy did and didn't do?)
Wayne continues his reporting of Jason’s statements: “In regards to Eden,” Jason said, "When she came up, acting like a diva, Jill just took a stance and instead of booking another guy, she booked another girl. She wanted to make a statement."
(JimmyD sez: A diva? A fucking diva? Because she doesn’t want to work with a guy who’s had on-camera sex with guys who are cock smokers? Maybe you ought to quit calling your “news desk” a “news desk,” Jason, and be a bit more honest about what you have to say—because what you have to say seems to be opinion, which sure don’t qualify as fucking news. And while we’re on the subject of “news,” I got some “news” for you: I’ve shot Alura a bunch of times. She never acted like a diva on any set I’ve ever shot on.)
Jason quoted Kelly when he said, "If you're going to ostracize straight male talent because of a sexual experience they may of had with a guy on or off camera, you're going to cut out 75% of the men in the industry. She can have sex with whoever she wants, but everyone else has the right to think it's stupid."
(JimmyD sex: 75% of the meat puppets in straight videos have had gay sex? Where’d you get that statistic from, Jill? Maybe 75% of the guys you’ve either dated or been married to have had gay sex, but I don’t think that means all the guys doing straight sex videos have had gay sex. I just love the whole “gay” point-of-view: According to them, everyone is either gay, in the closet, or have had gay experiences. What a fucking crock.
Hey Alura! You do what the fuck you want to do and you fuck whoever you want to fuck. Losing a gig to JKP will mean—in both the long and short runs—absolutely nothing in terms of your porn career.