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_POSTEDON 2003-10-13 09:19:35 by jimmyd |
jimmyd _writes "
I’ll bet your thinking I’ve been getting tons of email regarding this site’s ongoing quest to educate the world on the subject of Newfies. If so, I recommend a few more bong hits. But since I need to bail and go shoot something in a few minutes, the following email from Newfie meat puppet Hamilton Steele is just going to have to serve as today’s update.
Hamilton writes: Ok, Everyone has corrected you about Newfies, save for a Newfoundlander. So here is my 2 cents!
Jimmyd Sez: Did you hear about the Newfie Rubix's cube? It's white on all sides and only takes the average Newfie about two minutes to solve. Since Kelly claims Hamilton is in the Mensa portion of Newfies, I'm guessing he could solve the Newfie Rubix Cube in about a minute.
This is a common assumption made by non-Newfies. We aren’t trying to solve the puzzle we are trying to figure out how the some lazy and un-educated moron manages to keep his job on the Rubik’s cube assembly line. I just assume he is part of a union.
Oh and the correct spelling of the cube is RUBIK, not Rubix. And just for some more pointless information about the cube.
The Rubik’s cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 unique possible configurations. Of these possibilities there is only one configuration that will present a 'solved' Cube with a single color on each of its 6 sides. If a person could complete each turn in one second, to complete the puzzle it would require 1400 million million years to go through every possible combinations. Just to put this in perspective, the universe is only 14 thousand million years old.
God’s Algorithm is the least number of moves required to solve the cube from the worst possible disorder. IE: The shortest route. Using computers at South Bank University in London, Morwen Thristlehwaite, calculated that the minimum moves required was 52. However, that number was later reduced to 50 and it is believed that the actual number of moves may be somewhere in the low twenties.
OH and about the Zamboni. Newfoundland is very cold and unlike you southern boys, we don’t have to play hockey indoors with man made ice. I know my buddies and I like to set our poles up and pass the time waiting for a bite with a few shots on net. If someone picked up a cheap Zamboni from Repot Depot Canada? Hell!!! We bring it too and lets do some donuts on the ice!
Ps. remember what Kelly said about Newfoundlanders having severe outspokenness with a habit of pointing out the obvious?
LOL! There is always one smart Newf around and there is always a slice of bologna.
JimmyD sez: Well, you're certainly right about bologna, Ham.
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