September 21, 2006

Possessing Porn a Parole Violation?

From Family News in Focus: Ohio- A family group in Ohio is introducing legislation that makes possession of pornography a parole violation for sex offenders. Phil Burress with Citizens for Community Values thinks sex offenders having hardcore pornography is a bad idea.

Hey Phil! Whether or not sex offenders possessing harcdcore porn is a bad idea — no, make that a violation that would send someone back to prison — is an idea better left to parole officers, psychiatrists, and those sorts of people on a case-to-case basis. Sheesh! WTF is going on in this country? Once again, the Right is attempting to regulate morality, at least their ideas of morality, and it continues to get out of hand.

Should paroled murderers become parole violators for possession of ANYTHING that could, conceivably, kill? That includes a whole lot of things from kitchen knives to household cleaning solutions to garden tools and automobiles, not just guns or weapons.

Should paroled burglars become parole violators for possession of anything that could, conceivably, help them burgle? (e.g., screwdrivers and other common, household tools.)

How about paroled embezzlers and those convicted and paroled of cyber-fraud? Do we make them parole violators for possession of computers or an internet access account? Would they be parole violators for even obtaining employment that could, possibly, put them in a position to embezzle or commit fraud?

I’m not even getting into the argument of whether or not porn incites sex crimes or whether it might, for many people, actually provide a sexual outlet that deters sex crimes.

Here’s some 411 for ya, Phill: Media that is meant to be provocative and sexy and appeal to people’s sexual libidos isn’t limited to porn. Look around dude. What do you see? Sex is everywhere. Why? Sex sells! Should paroled sex offenders become parole violators for possession of a copy of Playboy? How about a copy of Cosmopolitan? There’s plenty of sexually enticing images amongst the pages of Cosmo.

Phil: You can’t regulate everything! Besides, your motives are so transparent they’re insulting to most people’s intelligence.

Posted by jimmyD under It's all the same crap. |

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