September 12, 2006

9/11 Plus 5

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Unless you live in a cave or under a rock, how could you not know that? Every media outlet was all over it. But if there was just one 9/11-plus-5 commentary you should know about, it was the commentary delivered by MSNBC’s, Keith Olbermann. Keith didn’t rehash who was responsible for 9/11, instead, he spoke of the irresponsible and self-serving conduct of our leaders who have spent the last five years spinning 9/11.

If you read or watch one 9/11 commentary–and I think you should do both–this is the one to read and hear and watch.

CLICK HERE to read the transcript or to download then watch and listen… your choice.

Posted by jimmyD under It's all the same crap. |

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