September 29, 2006

Into Africa

Private’s Berth Milton is about to embark on an African odyssey by dirtbike! And it’s not just for the fun of it. Mr. Milton will be helping fight AIDS and working to promote equality amongst women in Africa. We don’t see enough dedication to social issues in the porn biz and my hat is off to Mr. Milton for his efforts.

Here’s the press release from the very cute Ms. April Storm:

Berth Milton, CEO & Chairman of Private Media Group, has his engine revving as he prepares to set off this weekend on the first stage of his African odyssey over the Atlas Mountains and through the Sahara desert on a two wheeled off road tour. While on the tour Mr. Milton will devote his time to assisting Zemtex Medical’s DRIVE FOR AFRICA to stop the spread of AIDS and to promote equal rights for women.

He leaves Barcelona tomorrow on this 16 day, off road, adventure bike tour which started as a couple of friends chatting over a beer and that has mushroomed into an enormous charity drive which will see Berth Milton personally delivering donations to medical centres along the route through North Africa. Mr. Milton’s Drive into the heart of Africa has now become a test run in preparation for a much longer charitable trip that is being planned for next year that should take him across the entire African continent.

Follow Berth by visiting his new website at where there will be a daily blog, videos and pictures from his trip. There will also be a link for individuals and companies to make pledges towards the eradication of AIDS.

Posted by jimmyD under It's all the same crap. |

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