October 10, 2006

Dave Cummings’ “From the Trenches”

I don’t often print Dave’s monthly “From the Trenches” column. Not because I don’t think Dave has important stuff to say. And not because I don’t like Dave– I think Dave is about the coolest, nicest, swellest guy in all of Porndom. In fact, I don’t know why I don’t reprint Dave’s monthly… probably because others do so.

But this month I’m compelled to make an exception because what Dave has to say this time is unbelivevably important: It’s about next month’s elections.

Here’s my take on it: If America doesn’t vote some of the current people out of office (Yeah, I’m talking about the Republican majority) and send a LOUD AND CLEAR message to the other liars and deceivers currently in office, this country deserves what it gets! Never in this nation’s recent history have so many lies, so much deceipt, and such shameful practices been so prevalent and so PUBLICLY PROVEN to be exactly what they are: Lies and deceptions.

Here’s Dave:

We’re almost down to the wire. Will we continue to have to endure what I feel is a form of terrorism from certain whacko religious radicals and/or their legislative cronies, or will America succeed in sending them the voter’s message on November 7th that they need to stop meddling in our private lives and Constitutional freedoms, especially concerning Adult Entertainment? Please join me in the push for voters to stand up and be counted, and for our leaders at all levels of government to fully understand that they indeed need to halt attacks upon the separation of church and state.Speaking of politics, adult actress Mary Carey is running as an Independent Write-in Candidate for Governor of California. I think a strong showing might make politicians in California and throughout America hesitate to automatically cow-tow to the religious whacko folks who are so loudly and vilely attacking citizen rights to adult entertainment. So, let’s try to maximize voting for Mary Carey!

Recently, I was asked to address students at San Diego State University about the need for them to be involved in voting and political awareness. My speech was coupled with introducing Mary Carey at an on-campus campaign rally, one covered extensively by local and national television media. Governor-Aspirant Carey laid out her platform, expressed her feelings about proper government, and adroitly handled a variety of questions from the media and students. One recent graduate in attendance opined to me that it was the largest rally he had ever experienced on campus. I sensed that many students are becoming alarmed about politicians who pander against the right to privacy and the right to access and enjoy gentlemen’s clubs, adult Internet entertainment, and adult films.

One last thing about voting and political awareness—please go to ww.freespeechcoalition.com and browse the site and the many helpful links to items of interest to citizens of these great United States!

As I was out jogging on the beach this morning in San Diego, my mind wandered to fantasizing what it might be like to have adult actresses and actors more and more accepted in the mainstream political world. Can you imagine the support someone like Nina Hartley would garner if she ran for office—heck, many voters grew up with her as their special masturbatory fantasy. Nina is one very smart woman, someone who could actually win and govern superbly. I’d even lobby to be her Chief of Staff (I have a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, and 25 years Army/government experience in leading/managing, and in staff roles). Maybe Ron Jeremy, a gentleman who also has college degrees, would even consider running for office. I know the aforementioned was a only a fantasy while I was jogging (I usually think about sex, so today’s fantasy was intellectually special), but mainstream politics needs folks like Nina, Ron, and others of us!

Interestingly, I recently played a Senator in a sex scene with 19-year old Riley Mason for a Kick Ass Pictures production. The plot evolved around Riley being a constituent who wanted to convince me to vote against certain legislation that she opposed. Suffice to say, Riley was very sexually seductive. If I was a real Senator and had sex with her, I’d certainly be attentive to her ideas; and, I certainly wouldn’t let any whacko religious radicals threaten me with a cut-off in campaigning monies, or a rebellion of voters from amongst their church congregations.

Seriously, I’ve come to think and feel that the religious radicals are sometimes as un-American as the terrorists!!!! We need to shut down their hatred by voting out their political supporters, and voting in challengers who won’t invoke radical religious crap into their governing.

God bless us!

Dave Cummings

Posted by jimmyD under It's all the same crap. |

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